External Benchmark

Adenoma Detection Rate:


The adenoma detection rate is a well-established quality indicator for detecting colon polyps. Removal of such pre cancerous polyps prevents colon cancer. It is defined by the proportion of an adenoma or colorectal cancer detected from patients undergoing a colonoscopy.

Studies have indicated that high adenoma detection rates are associated with a significant reduction in colorectal cancer risk. However, a high number of studies have found variation in adenoma detection rates among physicians.

Midwest Digestive Center has surpassed nationally recommended average adenoma detection year after year.


Physician : SASTRI, SURIYA
Reporting Year : 2015

Submission Status: Pass – GIQuIC Qualified Clinical Data Registry Measures

Measure Performance Rate (%)
M1 Adenoma Detection Rate-Outcome Standard 25 43.2
M2 Adequacy of Bowel Preparation Standard 100 85
M3 Photo documentation of Cecum-All Colonoscopies Standard 100 99.4
M4 Photo documentation of Cecum-Screening Standard 100 130